Cedar Flutes For Sale
Fine flutes in traditional cedar wood
UPDATE: Now available, my lovely "Black Robin" range of flutes in heritage Western Red Ceder. Keys range from "high Cm down to "Low" Dm. Contact me via my contact page for pics, audio samples and prices. Cedar has long been the wood of choice of traditional Native American and Native American-style flute makers. Its beauty of timber grain and warm, subtle voice make a cedar flute a "must" for all those starting out on the flute journey, or adding to their collections. The flutes pictured here are sold, but I leave them up as examples of my work. If any take your fancy, contact me about custom-crafting one specifically for you. Prices range from NZD200 to NZD375.
Cedar Flute A minor
CED001: A lovely mellow clear voice. Traditional beauty rings, with turquiose carbochon and deerskin leather ties. Bird, "old wood" stained pine. Faux walnut-stained mouthcap.
Cedar Flute G minor
CED003: An elegant flute with a pleasing, soothing voice. Grain-enhancing stain. Finished with sets of deerskin leather ties. Bird is cedar/birch ply laminate.
Cedar Flute G minor
CED004: With traditional turquoise-color beauty rings and carbochon. Bird is cedar/birch ply laminate. Faux Walnut burl mouthcap. Deerskin leather ties.
Cedar Flute G minor
CED005: I kept embellishment to a minimum to show off the lovely wood grain. Turquoise blue beauty ring and my gold eagle wing emblem. Bird is cedar/birch ply laminate. A gorgeous flute to hold and play.
Cedar Flute F# minor
CED006: Grain-enhanced, finished with royal purple beauty rings, faux walnut burl stain mouthcap, Rimu bird, with deerskin leather ties. Lovely clear F# voice.
Cedar flute F# minor
CED007: My new range of traditional natural-look Cedar flutes, finished in non-toxic water based food blockoil, rather like Tung in appearance and durability. With native paua shell inlays. A truly elegant flute with a rich but subtle voice. Stained pine bird with deerskin leather ties.
Cedar flute in G minor
CED008: As with 007, but with laminated bird. The voice has the slight breathiness often found with Cedar flutes. Although not affecting performance in any way, the bore of this flute appears slightly off centre, so I am reducing the price to
NZ$210, with polarfleece bag. Postage extra
Cedar flute in A minor
C009: traditional look with a beautiful voice. Finished in non-toxic food-safe kitchen block oil. Deerskin leather ties in black.
Cedar flute in F# minor
C010: traditional look in unenhanced redwood cedar. Laminated bird, with black deerskin leather ties. Robust, clear voice and fast response. Finished in durable non-toxic food safe kitchen block oil.